In einem Beitrag im Forum
bezüglich der Eigenschaften in Guild Wars 2, in welchen eine hitzige Diskussion über das mit dem letzten Feature-Patch eingeführte neue System entbrannte, meldete sich Lead Game Designer Jon Peters zu Wort und erklärte einige der Hintergründe zu diesen Änderungen. So sei es eines der Hauptziele gewesen, das System Einsteiger freundlicher zu gestalten, um neue Spieler davor zu schützen überfordert zu werden und deswegen Guild Wars 2 zu verlassen.
ZitatAlles anzeigenNews:Hey all,
I see a lot of people talking but with a thread this long the details are often muddied by a large number of similar but differing opinions. I want to address some of the more straightforward stuff.
Trait Tier level increase. We made this change because despite what the more hardcore players like myself want, most players need to be introduced to systems more slowly so that they don’t get lost. Every time we overwhelm new players that is an opportunity for them to stop playing the game. Every time that happens it becomes harder and harder for new players to develop into longtime players. Without more longtime players it becomes hard for you and your current guilds to meet and find people to replace those who inevitably will be pulled away by real life from time to time.
Unlocking traits. We talked about this a bunch in the horizontal progression CDI and it came to our attention that many players were not learning about traits, how they worked, or understanding the options. When we talked through unlocking traits via activities it led us in the direction we have currently. Unfortunately, unlocking traits in the open world generally causes one of the #1 things we never wanted in the game which is players in conflict. You want might the Balthazar trait but someone is about to complete the chain and leave you waiting. This is bad for the game, but I think right now only occurs this dramatically for a few of the traits.
If you all list out the most offensive ones here we would be happy to look into changes given that we have already done so in the past when we switch many of the poorly placed map complete adept tier traits among a few other changes. Here is a list of those changes:
• Profession Trait 13: This trait is now awarded upon preventing the Statue of Lyssa from being re-taken by the Risen, as well as defeating the corrupted high priestess of Lyssa.
• Precision Adept Trait 5: This trait has been moved from Bloodtide Coast map completion to the defeat of Sharky the Destroyer in Arca Lake of the Harathi Hinterlands.
• Precision Adept Trait 6: This trait has been moved from Fireheart Rise map completion, to the defeat of Captain Jayne in the Brigantine Isles of the Gendarran Fields.
• Toughness Adept Trait 6: This trait has been moved from Iron Marches map completion, to the defeat of the Giant Blood Ooze in the Challdar Gorges of the Bloodtide Coast.
• Vitality Adept Trait 5: This trait has been moved from Timberline Falls map completion, to the defeat of Gargantula, the spider broodmother in the Wynchona Woods of Harathi Hinterlands.
• Vitality Adept Trait 6: This trait has been moved from Mount Maelstrom Map Completion, to the defeat of the Krait Witch in Timberline Falls.
• Profession line Adept Trait 5: This trait has been moved from Sparkfly Fen map completion, to the defeat of the Champion Ice Wurm in Lornar’s Pass.
• Profession line Adept Trait 6: This trait has been moved from Frostgorge Sound map completion, to the defeat of Lord Ignius the Eternal of Lornar’s Pass.
At the end of the day this system has helped spread out the teaching of the system and the feeling of accomplishment through acquisition, but it has done it in ways that are sometimes counterproductive and still not nearly visible enough to impact as many players as it could.
Guild Wars 2 is a game that is going to continue to evolve and it will be because of your feedback and our efforts so do not get discouraged from posting feedback and be patient with change and I hope we will reward that patience.
We added this system as a direct result from the horizontal progression CDI. We are always reading your feedback, however, we don’t always have time to respond right away or action it quickly. We updated some trait unlocks in the past but we can do more. How can you help?
1) Give us a list of the most offensive trait unlock locations.
2) Keep giving feedback and be patient as this is a big ship and it takes time to steer it.Durch die Interviews auf der Gamescom und den damit verbundenen Kommunikationsproblemen gab es in den letzten Tagen einige Beschwichtigungsversuch von ArenaNet. Den Anfang machte der
Post von Mike O'Brien, in dem dieses Thema ausführlich behandelt wurde.
Doch gerade in den letzten Tagen wurde viele Informationen im englischen Forum preisgegeben, die leider an der deutschen Community etwas vorbeigegangen sind. Wir möchten euch in dieser News die wichtigsten Dinge zusammenfassen, die in letzter Zeit geschrieben wurden.
Den Anfang macht dabei die Frage nach dem wieder von der offiziellen Webseite entfernten Atlas. Die Community wollte dabei wissen, warum der Atlas entfernt wurde. Steve Fowler, Head of Global Marketing, hat in
seinem Beitragerklärt, was es mit dem Atlas auf sich hatte. Er diente dabei nur zur Unterstützung der Lebendigen Welt Staffel 1 und als Promotion für das Finale mit Scarlet.
So the question is why we brought down the Atlas? The reason is that this website was a promotion in celebration to the season 1 finale. It was used to build up suspense, speculation and excitement as to what the final ending would be to the Scarlet story-line, and ultimately showcasing how she was responsible for the destruction of Lions Arch.
nächsten Foreneintragkümmert sich Ryan Diederich, Gameplay Programmer, um das Thema Dungeonbesitzer. Dabei hätte er gerne selbst die Anzahl der benötigten Stimmen, um einen Spieler aus der Gruppe zu entfernen, zu diesem Feature-Patch erhöht, was aber leider aktuell nicht möglich ist. Er weißt aber auch darauf hin, dass das Stehlen von Instanzen durchaus ein Melde-Grund ist.
I actually agree with you. I would have liked to increase the vote count a majority with this change, but unfortunately not all the pieces of code around party votes are set up in a way to make this a quick and easy change.
We were aware of the possible issues with the instance ownership change, but felt that holding back an improvement to the base experience on account of trolls was unfair to users that are playing nice.
Stealing instances using the LFG tool, or booting people for no reason (or to give your buddy the rewards for no work) at the end of a run are bannable offenses and should be reported.Das Thema Dungeons wird auch im
nächsten Beitragvon Chris Cleary aufgegriffen. Dabei geht es besonders um die Safe-Spots, an denen man von Gegnern nicht getroffen werden, aber selbst immer noch schaden versuchen kann. Dies würde als Exploit zählen. Anders sieht es dabei beim Nutzen der Umgebung allgemein aus. Es kommt dabei immer etwas auf den Einzelfall an, wie er in seinem Beitrag erläutert.
Avoiding mechanics by standing in a singular area isn’t an exploit, it’s possible bad dungeon design (for example the cage room in the newer flame and frost fractal…sorry I can’t remember the name of the dungeon it’s late). In that fight there are areas in which you can avoid almost the entire fight mechanic, that’s an example of poor dungeon mechanic design.
Standing on a rock/ledge/platform while the boss attempts to hit you from below (yes there are some bosses that still have abilities that hit you), is a problem with pathing and the boss not resetting when it can’t reach the target. This is exploiting a bug.
Kiting and using geometry (running AROUND pillars and such) is a perfectly valid tactic.
Standing outside a stationary boss’s range is not an exploit, the boss “should” reset after an extended period of time, but is not. This is an example of poor boss implementation, and not an exploit.
Using terrain to block/dodge boss mechanics is also considered a valid tactic (standing behind a pillar when a boss charges).
At this point we are getting very nitpicky at each individual boss and each mechanic in question. I’m sure most of you are aware of what is an exploit and what is a mechanic/tactic. We are working on fixing these “Safe Spots”, but it’s going to take some time to get it done, and will probably happen over time. (Sorry I am not going to go into particulars for fights/changes)
I’ll be very clear here: If a GM finds a player that is using a “Safe Spot”, that player will be moved out of the safe spot and warned (via in-game text). If they are caught again, that account will be temporarily suspended.
If a GM finds a player that is using a “Safe Spot” and selling the dungeon run, that account will be temporarily suspended without warning.Mit dem Erscheinen des Feature-Patches wird es auch wieder eine neue Auflage der Gemeinsamen Entwicklung geben. Im
englischen Forumwird gerade darüber diskutiert, ob die Community oder ArenaNet selbst die Themen bestimmen soll.
Hi All, The CDI is starting up again. How would you like the topic/s to be chosen for this round.
Here are you options for now:
1: Anet chooses.
2: You list your number 1 topic and the one with the must number of votes wins.
Note: This isn’t a call for topics just asking how to pick them (-:Zum Abschluss ging es dann noch um das Thema "Fake-GMs". Dazu wurde im
Forumgesagt, dass echte Gamemaster beim Anflüstern eine goldene Farbe haben.
Hey everyone, I want to clarify a couple of points for you that I feel are important.
1. ArenaNet GMs very rarely send unsolicited whispers.
2. ArenaNet Senior GMs all have character names akin to GM Madi Walker and have the ArenaNet Guild Tag.
3. All ArenaNet GMs have GM ‘Hopefully Cool Alias’.#### for a display name.
4. GM whisper text is golden; not purple.
5. Impersonating a employee or agent of ArenaNet will result in an immediate suspension or termination of your account.
Hope this helps you identify real GMs versus the imposters out there. Hunt safe.