ANet testet ein neues "Spielzeug" um gelöschte Charaktere wiederherstellen zu können. Die Erfolgsaussichten sind aber von Fall zu Fall unterschiedlich, da viele verschiedene Faktoren mit reinspielen. Dennoch scheint es nicht zu Schaden ein Ticket mit soviel Informationen wie möglich zu eröffnen, besonders weswegen man den Charakter wiederhergestellt haben möchte, z.B. Uhrwerkspitzhacke war auf dem Charakter, oder so.
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Hi guys!
OP is correct, it's a new thing, it's very much on trial right now - and we cannot promise everyone a character restoration yet.
Much like all refunds and restorations, these are on case-by-case basis, we need to check a lot of stuff (Is there a free character slot? Was the character name taken? What's the account history?) and in some cases it may not actually work. New toys, might break and all that.
In some cases it might actually be better to try and ping us with an explanation of what precisely happened. The other day I had a user delete a character with an infinite mining tool, I simply replaced the tool for them, as that was much quicker a solution.
So, if you need help, give us as much info as you can, we'll see what we can do to help.
Quelle: reddit