Die Entwickler sind im allgemeinem im englischen Forum um einiges aktiver, als es zum Beispiel im Deutschen der Fall ist, sodass einigen Spielern Informationen entgehen, die aber eigentlich sehr interessant und teilweise sogar sehr wichtig sind. In unserer Rubrik Entwickler-Tracker fassen wir euch regelmäßig diese Informationen zusammen.
In unserem heutigen Beitrag geht es um die allgemeinen und um die Balance-Probleme, die mit dem Patch am 23. Juni ins Spiel gekommen sind. Jon Peters hat sich dazu im offiziellen Forum
bereits geäußert und bestätigt, dass es verschiedene Dinge gibt, an denen intern bei ArenaNet bereits gearbeitet wird.
Die vier wichtigsten Punkte sind dabei die zu starken Zustände, die zu schwachen Weltbosse, verbuggte Eigenschaften und Fertigkeiten und zu starke Builds, die durch die Überarbeitungen entstanden sind. In der Zwischenzeit sollen wir weiter fleißig Fehler melden und einfach genießen, dass die Bosse so schnell fallen.
ZitatJust getting these out there so we know we are all in agreement:
- 1) Conditions seem a bit strong 2) World bosses are currently too easy 3) There are some bugged skills and traits 4) There are some overpowered builds
We won’t fix it all at once but these are four large topics we are talking about. In the meantime keep the feedback and bug reports coming, and I guess farm up some world bosses. We are dedicating time towards these issues and are intending to resolve them as quickly as possible. As we have said before, the live environment differs too greatly from anything we can reliably simulate internally so big changes like today’s build will cause things to sometimes change at an alarming rateTM.
Thanks for your patience,
In einem weiteren Beitrag erklärt Jon dann zusätzlich noch, warum sich ArenaNet dazu entschieden hat, den Spielern teilweise vorgefertigte Builds zu präsentieren, anstatt die Heldenpunkte noch gar nicht auszugeben. Man hat sich bewusst für diesen Mittelweg entschieden, damit Neu- und Quereinsteiger, die sich nicht an ihre alten Builds erinnern, einen Strohhalm zu geben, während man trotzdem noch eine gewisse Anzahl an Punkten verteilen kann. Einen Button, der die Verteilung der Heldenpunkte zurücksetzt, wird es zudem nicht geben.
ZitatAlles anzeigenWhy not. Basically there were two options, both with a large number of edge cases.
1) We wipe your stuff and let you respec as you see fit. Because so much had changed this was our initial plan. Here are problems it ran into.
- People return from a long hiatus and don’t remember what they were running People log in and the first thing they have to do before they can play is learn both the new unlocking system and the new build system.
2) We look at what you had equipped and unlock the necessary skills and traits to re-equip you. Here were some discussions points around that:
- We might give you stuff you don’t want at least this won’t matter for lvl 80s if we make all the unlocks possible by just reaching lvl 80.
There is a third option which I’m sure you will bring up.
3) let players choose
Here are some reasons we did not go with that:
- Its twice the work Its actually more than twice the work because it would have required temporarily saving both options until you choose which is more complex technical work. People who were unlikely to understand or want to explore the new system were going to be potentially more confused by the choice.
At the end of the day we wanted to ship this build so we had to decide. Based on instinct we erred on the side of helping people we thought would be more overwhelmed by the opposite choice, and I would make that choice again because it has less edge cases, impacts more expert users, and leans towards over unlocking for free to benefit most of the edge cases anyway.
Hope this info helps you understand our process a bit more.
The point of a system with more points that points to spend is to allow players to both eventually unlock everything and to bank for future unlocks. If you take a system like that and allow people to refund in it you break both of these fundamental reasons for the system existing. There are two ways to go with any system that has points spent
- 1) Let people continue to earn and continue to progress 2) Limit the amount people can progress or spec and make a refund system.
This new system actually contains aspects of both of these. On the side of unlocking we went with a “keep making progress” system where players would eventually get all of the things they want and more, the more they played. We felt like for unlocks this is a better system because it gives people more to unlock and it doesn’t put pressure on a refund system to make the most basic functionality of having stuff work.
On the build side of things (and this is a general principle of GW2) we went with a make choices and refund system. The choices being which skills, specs and traits you select and the respec process being basically free once everything is unlocked.
Die Angst, dass Zustandsbuilds zukünftig wieder komplett zerstört werden, wie es zum Beispiel einige im Map-Chat von Löwenstein bereits vermutet haben, hat Jon Peters in einem dritten Beitrag
ebenfalls zerstreut. Das Ziel von ArenaNet ist es, dass Zustandsbuilds eine wichtige Rolle spielen, weshalb die Änderungen nur in einem kleinen Rahmen stattfinden werden.
ZitatLet’s be clear, this version of condition stacking and condi builds being viable in all games modes is a large part of our goal. We just want to make sure we don’t create imbalances that actually make the game less fun. Don’t expect huge balance swings, but rather our balance goal has always been to make more small adjustments.