Im September diesen Jahres wurden die neuen Sammel-Erfolge eingeführt, die Spieler für das Sammeln der verschiedensten Dinge mit Erfolgspunkten und teilweise einzigartigen Gegenständen belohnt. Unter diesen Sammlungen befinden sich Waffen- und Rüstungssets, Schrott-Gegenstände oder besondere Gefäße.
Doch es wurden auch einige Sammlungen fehlerhaft ins Spiel gebracht. Unter diesen befindet sich zum Beispiel ein Erfolg, für den ihr verschiedene Alkohol-Sorten trinken oder verschiedene Champion-Beutel sammeln sollt. Lange hat man von einem möglichen Fix nichts mehr gehört, bis heute.
Denn Gaile Gray hat sich nun im offiziellen Forum
zu den Problemen geäußert. Laut ihrer Aussage wurden die Erfolge aufgrund eines Bugs deaktiviert und sollen demnächst endlich für den Abschluss zur Verfügung stehen.
ZitatAlles anzeigenAfter consultation with several team members, here’s a little information about the four collections that forum members asked about:
- Fine Wining
- Brewmaster
- Hero of the People
- Fractal Weapons
There were issues with each of the collections that prevented their roll-out in September. In short, they were not complete-able at that time. However, due to a bug, some players were able to see the collections as if they were active. It seems that the visibility bug is fixed, and that players would not see the collections now. The important thing to know is that the collections are not currently available on Live but that they are coming! (A couple of them are coming pretty soon, in fact.)
Apologies for the confusion, and if you have been working on the collections, of if you believe you’ve been working on a collection that is, in fact, not yet live, you won’t lose progress when they are rolled out in final form.
Those of you reporting issues with other content concerns in this thread: Please report issues and bugs in the game. I cannot tell you how much an in-game report helps us, because that kind of report provides a lot of back-end information that makes it possible to replicate the bug, where posting on a forum does not give the devs the same level of detail.
If you cannot report in the game, please post on the Bugs Forum with as many details as you can provide. If you have done so, thank you. And here’s a tip: It’s best to have separate threads for bugs, and not tag new bug reports on a thread about a different issue. Thanks for understanding.