Die Entwickler sind im allgemeinem im englischen Forum um einiges aktiver, als es zum Beispiel im Deutschen der Fall ist, sodass einigen Spielern Informationen entgehen, die aber eigentlich sehr interessant und teilweise sogar sehr wichtig sind. In unserer Rubrik Entwickler-Tracker fassen wir euch alles wichtige zusammen.
Diesmal geht es um ein kleines Update zum Mordrem-Event, welches Gaile Gray gestern Abend im offiziellen Forum
veröffentlicht hat. Dort bestätigt sie, dass das Mordrem-Event nur bis heute (Montag) Abend um 18:00 Uhr laufen wird, wie es ursprünglich geplant war. Es wird also keine Verlängerung und zudem keine Wiederholung des Events geben-
Sie bestätigte zudem, dass die Spieler, die in den ersten 6 Stunden des Events trotz Teilnahme keine Belohnungen bekommen haben, diese noch per Post bekommen werden. Die Händler werden dazu länger stehen bleiben, als das Event selbst läuft.
ZitatAlles anzeigenHello,
I asked the head of the GW2 Design Team about whether we would be making changes and rerunning it, extending it, or repeating it as it currently is designed. At this time, we are not going to extend the event, nor do we have plans at this time to repeat it, either amended or in its current form.
The Mordrem Invasion event will run through its allotted time. It ends at 9:00 AM tomorrow, Monday. As explained in my earlier thread, no changes will be made to the event beyond the fixes that were made on Thursday and, of course, the distribution of earned rewards for those who were impacted by that bug. (The bug ran from 9:00 AM until about 4:00 PM Pacific time. If you earned blooms during that period but did not receive them or received fewer than the intended amount, they will be sent to you via in-game mail. NPCs will remain in place — particularly in the Priory.
I hope this info is helpful to you. And thanks to those of you who provided constructive suggestions about the event — your thoughts are very appreciated. What’s constructive: “Rewards might be [this]” or “I like the rewards in [that] and suggest you adopt that system for this sort of event.” What’s not constructive: “Rewards are bad” (with absolutely no suggestions for how they might be improved).
I think you guys get it, and I understand that some of you are pretty “hot under the collar” about the event. But please try to give us ideas we can work with — that’s to everyone’s benefit.
gibt Gaile zu, dass sie noch nicht weiß, ob die Blüten in der Zukunft noch nützlich seien werden und ob man sich jemals wieder welche erspielen können wird. Beide Fragen sollen aber zeitnah von den Entwicklern beantwortet werden (vermutlich im laufe des heutigen Tages).
ZitatI see a couple of valid questions:
I will ask about those tomorrow — it’s the weekend here in Bellevue — and will answer as soon as I know more. I’m sorry that I cannot give that information today, but I truly do not know the answers to those two questions.
- Will blooms be useful in the future?
- Will the items currently on offer be returning?
In einem dritten Forenpost
erwähnt sie nochmal, dass wir zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt keine Email an den Support schicken müssen, um die Belohnungen zu erhalten, da alle Daten dazu vorhanden seien sollten.
ZitatI’ve seen the spreadsheets for distributions passing by in an e-mail. At this time I would say that you do not need to submit a ticket to receive rewards that you earned but did not receive during the period when the bug was active. Participation and missing rewards were recorded in game data, and distributions will be made based on that data.