Alles anzeigenCar Crashed hat im letzten MatchUp einen Spieler von Vermillion auf einem Ihrer Accounts spielen lassen. ArenaNet hat diesen Betrug nun öffentlich aufgedeckt. Laut den Regeln des Wettbewerbs und der GW2-Eula ist es untersagt, Accounts an Dritte weiterzugeben. Aufgrund des Verstoßes werden alle bisherigen Spiele der Saison von Car Crashed für jene als verloren gewertet. Darüber hinaus werden die Spieler der Gilde von von ArenaNet unterstützten PvP-Events bis Ende der 2016er Saison ausgeschlossen. Ebenfalls wird der betroffene Spieler von Vermillion ausgeschlossen.
Car Crashed fielded an ineligible player during their April 18, 2016 Pro League matches against The Civilized Gentlemen. According to our logs, the person playing as “Sam” was not the owner of the account, but was instead “Frostball”, a member of Vermillion. This violates rules set forth in the ESL Guild Wars 2 Pro League Rulebook as well as the Guild Wars 2 User Agreement. Frostball and all Car Crashed members that played on April 18 will be banned from ArenaNet-sponsored competitive events effective today through the end of the 2016 season, at which point each individual’s eligibility will be revisited.
All match-ups against Car Crashed will be changed to a 2-0 score in favor of the opposing team for weeks 1 through 7.
Affected Players:
Car Crashed
- Posi
- Sam
- Nag Nag
- Super
- Blackjack
- Frostball
Relevant Rules:ESL Guild Wars 2 Pro League Rules
- 1.2.7. A participant may only play for one organization at the same time in any ESL Pro League, Intel Extreme Masters, ESL Pro Series, or ESL Amateur series.
- 1.2.9. Players must utilize their own account for use in the ESL Pro League
Guild Wars 2 User Agreement
- 9b. Each Account may only be used by one person. If a minor has been allowed access to an Account under Section 9(c) below, only that minor may use the Account thereafter. Except as provided in Section 9(c) below, You may not make any assignment or transfer of rights, obligations or liabilities related to this agreement and any attempt by You to do so is null and void.
Quelle: https://competitive.guildwars2…ar-crashed-and-vermillion