ArenaNet hat im Forum darauf hingewiesen, dass sie die aktuellen Probleme an den Megaservern untersuchen. Wie John Smith weiter ausführt, arbeiten sie an Behebungen für die den Problem zugrunde liegenden Fehler. Einige kleine Anpassungen konnten schon ins Spiel gebracht werden, andere werden erst im Laufe der nächsten Monate zur Verfügung stehen.
I’ve recently seen quite a few posts mentioning megaservers. As per standard business, I can’t say anything about release dates or future content, but I can say that we recognized that megaservers were a problem quite some time ago. At that time my squad joined up with the deific ~Susan and her team to begin work on the system. I wanted to tell you that we know there are problems and we’re fixing them. We’ve released some very minor changes already and there will be several phases of fixes applied over the next few months.